Find Support

We are called out only by our partner agencies, in an emergency please dial 999.

You can also contact Thames Valley Police on 101.

Missing People

Being reported missing is one of the most challenging time of somebodies life, as is being the loved one of somebody that is or has been reported missing.

Our friends at Missing People support people effected by missing person investigations and are available via their helpline 116 000 or at

At Risk of Going Missing

If you live with, care for or support somebody at risk of going missing, due to dementia, disability, or any other reason, you can complete a Herbert Protocol.

You can also build a scent kit, to assist us and the Police deploy trailing search dogs.

Our Safeguarding Responsibilties

OxSAR are committed to creating a safe and lifesaving environment for all of our members and the individuals we come into contact with.

If you are a member of the public and you have an immediate concerns related to somebodies safety, please call 999.